Sunday 3 December 2017

Flying Fish

Fried Flying Fish

Confession..Flying fish is my favorite fish....

Maybe its because our family has a plant that processes it 

But I grew up eating lots of it...fried, roasted, dried, stewed, in broth it didn't matter I ate Flying fish like nobodies business

Flying fish is one of the most economical and convenient fish to purchase as well and its super easy to prepare 

For those who are heading to Tobago, put eating flying fish as one of those foods you must try

Knowing a Tobagonian will help as you will get the true Tobago recipes to go with it..

Check out this awesome video below done by the BBC on Flying Fish in Tobago 

Wild Meat (Iguana)

Iguana and provisions

As a youngster cooking wild meat was reserved for only the best cooks in the villages

A favourite was provisions and iguana or as we Tobagonians would say "Guana"

"If yuh know you can't cook, stay way from da pot "

I think I can't stomach this post and truth be told, I don't eat wild meat anymore, but for those who are adventurous eaters this post is for you

the video below illustrates cooking iguana, Trini forgive me I couldn't find anyone with a Tobago iguana (Lol)...

Friday 24 November 2017

Tours and Sites

Nylon Pool
Nylon pool is a crystal clear, soothing shallow, white sand area in the ocean close to No-mans Land 

Nylon pool is said to have healing powers, by making you get younger by rubbing the sand on your body ( disclaimer)

Tobago has its fair share of exotic water falls that visitors can enjoy in a relaxing atmosphere 

surrounded by nature and the sounds of several bird

No-Man's Land

Main Ridge Rain Forrest

Best Eating Spots

Jemma's Seaview Kitchen

Build around a live tree and located

along the main road in the village of

Speyside overlooking the sea this is

a must for any visitor to Tobago

The best of local foods in a calm sea breeze setting is what makes this

spot appealing

Makara Restaurant

Makara is located at the Buccoo Integrated 

facility in the village of Buccoo

Close to the beach this eating spot offers great 

ambiance and tasty food with a local flavor

Chef's Restaurant

Chef's is located along Milford road about 2 

minutes from the ANR International airport

A variety of local foods are on offer that will 

satisfy those who like a clean nice setting in one 

of the more busy areas in Tobago in terms of 

activity and eating spots

Hotels in Tobago

Magdalena Grand Hotel

The essence of this hotel is the Golf Course and scenery, being close to the sea

There is a mangrove area with a board walk that will excite the adventurous nature lover

The rooms are well maintained and the breakfast and diner are great

Coco Reef Hotel

The selling point for the Coco Reef Hotel is its location, close to the airport and numerous restaurants and shopping as well as some of the best beaches on the island and water activity

My Top 5 Villas/Apartments

# 1. Marbago Villa, Tobago

This is a relaxing and secluded villa with total privacy and comfort;
The property consists of  4.5 acre  nestled in the hills of the island's lush tropical rain forest, offering a quiet refuge and one of the premier views in Tobago

There are tropical birds, panoramic surroundings, and the serenity of Tobago's stunningly beautiful North coast

# 2. Villa Being

Villa Being perched on five acres of fruit tree land on a hill in Arnos Vale overlooking the Caribbean sea

Guests are treated to a breathtaking vie of the sea while being close to nature.

Your stay here will be peacefull, secluded and rejuvenating 

# 3. SeaScape Villa, Tobago

SeaScape is located above the beach at Heavenly Bay in the village of Castara, Tobago.
Sunset is a two bedroom self-catering , beachfront, apartment with en-suite bathrooms in each bedroom.

The two level layout with one bedroom on each floor was designed with privacy in mind;
ideal for family use or sharing the apartment between two couples.

 Located on the lower floor is the main living/dining area, full kitchen and bedroom with en-suite bathroom.

#4. The Villas of Stonehaven 

The Villas at Stonehaven are located in the sea side village of Black Rock Tobago
The villas are spotted within greenery and gentle slopes overlooking Stonehaven Bay
The price is a bit costly, but for those ho can afford this as a spectacular holiday destination

See the official web site  for details

#5. Mahogany Villa, Tobago

The Villa is located in Mount Irvine, bordering the Mt Irvine world class golf course.
There  offers a view of the Caribbean Sea through the palms on the course, with a relaxing ambiance.
There are shady verandas and upper sun terraces, with a large 60 foot (20 m) swimming pool with entertainment facilities.

The Villa is ideal for large gathering, an ideal reception setting. 

Guest Houses on the northern Coast of the Island

Tobago Goat Race ( Easter Tuesday)

So its Easter weekend and yuh wandering what to do in Tobago..

Well the annual beach lime in Tobago... packed with visitors both local and mostly foreign with lifted car trunks, food and drinks with a  healthy amount of sea bathing is a norm

However the highlight of the Easter weekend is actually on the Tuesday after Easter Monday

The destination is the Buccoo Integrated facility where the traditional goat and now crab race events takes place... The excitement is as riveting as the competition for prizes

Buccoo Integrated Facility

This unique event started over 80 years ago, where goat racing was a response to the colonial class’ pastime of racing thoroughbred horses in Trinidad.

competing goats and their bare footed jokey, rope in hand ( running along side!) race in SERIOUS AMUSEMENT and crowd encouragement  to the finish line a few yards down from the starting gates!

Goat Racing in Tobago

Make no joke this is a serious business for the owners, trainers, jockeys and those who place unofficial bets. The event has all  the trappings of a typical horse racing meet – stables, trainers, live commentators – except that the “jockeys” have to run alongside their steeds.

Goats transported at back of Truck to Buccoo Integrated Facility

Special training for the goats months in advance is a normal part of the preparation including special diets (oats, vitamins, pigeon peas for iron) and training to build Stamina such as taking the goats swimming.

The racing goats are decked out in colorful  coats as impressive as any knighted stallion

The crab race, require jockeys to use short length of string to guide the competing crabs toward a checkered flag. Patience and technique are crucial to success here.

Of course Crab and Dumplings is a Tobago favorite, just saying... 

Tobago Jazz Festival

For the Jazz music lovers out there, this blog is a glimpse into what they can expect from the now famous Tobago Jazz festival

Main Event at Pigeon Point Heritage Park

The Tobago Jazz Experience had its origins in 2005 with the Tobago Gourmet Jazz Festival and then that was changed to the Plymouth Jazz Festival then in 2009 it got its current name the  Tobago Jazz Experience.

When is the festival? 
The schedule and ticketing information can be found on the Tobago Jazz Experience website.
This is the best source of information, however one can also get information through the division of Tourism in Tobago or any travel agent who arranges flights to Tobago

Jazz at Pigeon Point Heritage Park

What's the difference with Tobago Jazz festival as oppose to others in Caribbean?
Unlike other jazz festivals in the Caribbean Tobago Jazz is an experience, not an event.
Various  villages throughout the island showcase cultural and outdoor activities during the lead-up and on the day of the main event.
 For instance there is  Jazz In The East at Speyside, where one can get boat rides to Little Tobago, dives can be arranged to the reef off the coast, while some go to next door Charlotteville to buss a lime with the fishermen there.

Little Tobago off Speyside Village

Reef off Speyside Village in Tobago

On the Northside in the village of Castara, there is tasty traditional bread and other pastries straight out of a traditional dirt oven, real fish broth on the beach with the fishermen (finishes fast too)!
One can engage in pulling siene where anyone can join the villagers and fishermen in pulling in fish nets set earlier in the day ; the catch is shared among all those who laboured pulling the seine.

Pulling Siene in Castara Village

Other fringe events around the island such as fashion, food and music at other local venues are also available leading up to the main event at the Pigeon Point Heritage Park.

Tobago Great Race (speed boats)

Born in the crown Point area in Tobago, I grew up going to the annual Great Race Event at Store Bay

The event was temporarily shifted to Scarborough for a few years, to my dismay, but has since returned to its base at Storebay

I have seen it grow over the years from the shade of grandma's  food stall on the beach

She was one of the original food huts just before the stairs leading down to the beach 

The family still owns the food hut in the newly renovated food area and I will always visit when I am in Tobago 

So for those who for some unexplained reason don't know what the Great Race event is in Tobago, I submit this post for you...

Businessmen Ken Gordon and Ralph Gibson, are credited as establishing the Great Race event during a yacht race from Trinidad to Grenada in 1968.

This event involves the best local and foreign powerboats competing for top prizes and bragging rights.

With a distance of 86-miles from Chagaramas in Trinidad to Storebay Beach In Tobago the contest, considered to be one of the toughest offshore races in the calendar, 

Spectators get glimpses of the action as the race follows the Trinidad coastline, and culminates at Store Bay in Tobago where thousands of locals and foreigners gather for the biggest beach party ( and yeah to see the finish of the race). 

The atmosphere is mind blowing with food and drinks  galore !! .. its fete for so...!!

Tobago Heritage Festival

So I was finally got around to providing a glimpse of the MOST FAMOUS FESTIVAL  for Tobagonians, The Famous Tobago Heritage Festival

The Tobago Heritage Festival is an annual cultural event in Tobago that was conceptualized by renowned Tobagonian anthropologist Dr. J. D. Elder, and was started as a pilot project in 1986

The Festival takes from the middle of July to early August. Villagers from different communities participate and perform with folk singing, dancing and feasting. Traditional Village life is depicted with villagers wearing traditional clothing and re-enacting traditional  village life.

Throughout the entire Heritage period visitors can visit the many villages throughout the island and partake in the activities and if you link up with a Tobagonian Food is guaranteed free

During the year each Community has its own festival or heritage and the highlight is Food. Persons in the village cook and once you come with a Tobagonian link up food is free. You can literally go from house to house and eat, if you know "yuh belly full" don't go to people house and refuse food, they will feel insulted. 

Flying Fish

Fried Flying Fish Confession..Flying fish is my favorite fish.... Maybe its because our family has a plant that processes it  B...